
I heart opera!

Tonight's attendance of La Bohème by the Opéra de Lausanne was magnificent. Aside from featuring a great Musetta, the performance itself wasn't exceptional, but it's still hard not to enjoy such a wonderful libretto and score. It reminds me why I love opera so much. It's an art that features music, singing, acting, dancing, elaborate set/costume design, and even a a little audience participation when one considers the "bravo"s that erupt after an excellent aria. It stimulates many senses simultaneously to create a powerful emotional impact.

The show itself was just half of what made tonight so great. Several other IMD students and partners were there so part of the fun was just dressing up and going out for an evening of something different. As we sipped champagne during intermission we all agreed that we had made the right event choice tonight.

It was also a cool challenge to remove English completely from the operatic experience. The singing was in Italian while the supertitles were in French. It felt good just to go from one to the other, eliminating English from the equation for a few hours.

But enough about tonight; 9.5 hours of Finance starts early tomorrow morning so I'm off for now.

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