
Tolkien and Workouts

I finished The Silmarillion last week and have moved on to The Hobbit. I really love the simple, fantastic Hobbit narrative. It was the hook that bought me into the rest of Tolkien's works (Thanks again, Lee and Sam!), which I have read and reread many times over. In many ways this is similar to how I entered the Harry Potter world--through the simple, fantastic narrative of The Philosopher's Stone. Then I was hooked all the way through the much darker, much more epic tales of the rest of the series.

This evening I took a break from my normal routine (office => gym => back to work at home) and met some IMD Class of 2009 students to coach them in strength training. They seem eager to learn and to balance their intense workload with fitness so I will be glad to help them out--with as much time as I can spare! After all, the MBAT is coming up and they need to be training!

Today I also purchased a DLP projector. As I'm trying to stay light on furniture, my plan is not to have a TV and just to use the projector on my living room wall with my computer as a source. The first media I'll watch will be the four Rambo movies--chronologically, of course--since I haven't seen the most recent yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bryan,

I don't think you need watch Rambo movies - just get dressed and look at yourself from the mirror - and don't forget to coach MBA 2009 on PingPong - move on with my legend.
