
Good and Bad

The weather here has been beautiful the past couple of days. Yesterday after class I went for a run along the lake. Instead of running a specific distance for speed, sometimes I run a specific duration and try to cover the most ground possible while keeping my heart rate below a certain threshold. Yesterday was one of those days so, as I jogged along, I suddently found myself in another commune--I was covering more ground than I was accustomed to at that heart rate. By the time my 45 minutes was up, I had crossed a significant barrier: 5 miles, the greatest distance I have ever run in one stretch! That probably seems insignificant to most of you but it's kind of a big deal for me.

1987 features the introduction of Kenny G to the American popular music scene.
And Bruce Willis--I'm assuming "Respect Yourself" (#89 of 1987) had something to do with Moonlighting.
Where Kenny G is, Michael Bolton can't be too far behind. I see dark days ahead.

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