
Team Poken

Yesterday some coworkers from Poken and I played beach volleyball after work until it was completely dark out--around 9:30 these days. It had rained during the day so there weren't many other people there and we had no trouble taking the court we wanted. It wasn't exactly the highest level of play, but it was a good time. I like my coworkers; we have a good team full of smart, competent, fun people--it's a great basis on which to grow.

I've been blogging less frequently recently, partly because I've started microblogging on twitter. This helps me post those small, ad hoc musings that otherwise would need to wait for a more concerted blog entry.

The other reason I haven't been blogging much is that life has been pretty routine recently--hectic, but routine. In June my two favorite beach volley partners of all time (who also happen to be my two favorite wine consumption partners of all time) will come visit, though, so I expect plenty of bloggable stories to be generated then!

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