
And so it begins

It's 2 AM and I've just arrived home after my first day of school. For the last five hours I have been locked in a room with an Italian, a Chinese, a Portuguese, a Czech, a Belarussian, and a French student trying to reach consensus on the best strategy for Boblbee, an innovative Swedish sports gear manufacturer.

When we left, there were still two groups working, meaning we were 9th of 12 total groups to finish. To me this indicates that there are probably some things we could do better/more efficiently. Of course, that is why we are here: to learn

In six hours I will present our analysis and recommendations to the class. Our group number is seven, so we are required to meet in study room #007. Naturally James Bond will play a strong thematic role in our powerpoint. In the mean time, I have two more cases and some papers to read before class so I will hold off on more updates for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so you know - I am stalking you on both facebook and your blog. Wait until you try tequilia over there....its so not right. But I know you're trying to conserve your brain cells - but its so different. I hope you get time to travel. I lived out there in Heidelberg for 2 years and LOVED IT! Are you getting around? Pun intended. Want to skip Paris?? Go to Strasbourg France....its a mini Paris on the Rhine! You'll love it, no where near as far. OH - love Bordeaux - check out the Alsace region of France - again, not to far! Oh and AUSTRIA, dont get me started on AUSTRIA....I could go on for days!
Oh and just a jab, I get my partner back!! (taunting) COXIE!!!
C-ya!! Happy studying!!

I just caught this - YOUR LAST NAME IS GUIDO - and you ADVERTISE THIS??? Only you Hassin! EMBRACE IT!!!